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Home » Charities in Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama

Charities in Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama

Boquete Charities and Philathropic Organizations – Volunteer Opportunities

It’s astonishing and uplifting. For such a small community, Boquete has so many people involved in helping others.

There are an amazing number of sweet and sincere local Panamanians who do good work in Boquete. Charitable organizations were always very active before expats arrived.

The thousands of new expat arrivals have brought tremendous additional energy, resources, drive and know-how to the scene.  Most of the expats who locate here get involved in at least one of these organizations found below and many were founded by expats who partnered with Panamanians. Most of these organizations work effectively with Panamanians working hand-in-hand with expats.

Those who participate find it a source of camaraderie, fellowship and fulfillment. There is something about Boquete that attracts people who want to help others. It is partly because a high percentage of the expat residents live in Boquete full time rather than as a second home. Maybe it’s something in the air, but nearly everyone seems to join in. This help make Boquete a special place. Enrich your life. Use your much earned skills and talents to help the community and have fun!

Thank you to all who contribute so much to the health and well-being of our community.

Here are some of the many organizations that make a genuine difference in the lives of thousands of people in the region. This is just a partial list. The descriptions below are from the organizations’ websites.

Check out our list of Charities for the Enviroment and Other Charities in Panama.

Amigos de Animales – Spay and Neuter Dogs and Cats

We’re a group of volunteers with a big task…… to spay and neuter the street animal and local pet populations in Boquete, Panama to eliminate the hunger and suffering of unwanted dogs and cats. In only seven years, we have sterilized more than 5,000 dogs and cats through our monthly financially-subsidized clinics. We not only serve animals in the town of Boquete but reach into remote, mountainous, and indigenous areas to take our services to as many animal populations as possible.”

Amigos de Boquete – Help for school children

Amigos de Boquete is a charitable foundation formed by a group of Panamanians and non-Panamanians to assist the school children of Chriqui Province.

Salvadores de Animales– Adopt, Rescue, Foster de Boquete

Our Mission is to provide for the well being of all companion animals, rescued, abused, and injured. Providing medical treatment as needed and finding lifelong loving homes through adoptions. To promote the animal/human bond though community outreach and educational programs. ARF is dedicated to ensuring animal abuse, neglect and suffering is reduced and or eradicated through raising the public awareness through action, education and advocacy.

Boquete Community Players – Community Event Center, Market and Theatre

The BCP Foundation Mission is to “…sponsor, produce and promote artistic events to enhance appreciation and understanding of the arts and promote a cohesive sense of community.

Boquete Hospice and Health

Our mission is to inform and promote community health. To support people with health and wellness needs by providing information, equipment and volunteer services. To provide palliative (Hospice) care for the terminally ill in order that they may experience death with dignity and limited pain.”

What Boquete Health and Hospice Does:

  • Health, Respite & Hospice Support
  • Blood Donor Program
  • Medical Equipment Loans to Those in Need
  • First Aid for the Home
  • Health & Wellness Support Through Music
  • End of Life Preparations
  • CPR Training

Boquete Knitters and Quilters

We are an all volunteer group who invest our time and skills for the betterment of our community by making knitted and crocheted blankets, sweaters, caps and booties for Ngöbe-Buglé infants and children.”

Boquete Public Library – Fundacion Biblioteca de Boquete – Privately Funded Public Library

Incredible three story public library that was privately funded with additional support from The Lions Club.

Buenos Vecinos de Boquete – Feeding the Hungry

Buenos Vecinos de Boquete is a small, all volunteer committee that provides basic non-perishable food supplies on a monthly basis to over 120 individuals and their families in the greater Boquete community.”

Casa Hogar (from Selma and Herbert Trisker) – For Orphans and Abused Children

This home helps some of the children most in need.

Casa Esperanza – Organization against Child Labor

Casa Esperanza is a nationwide organization that provides development opportunities for children in poverty especially in child labor cases. Casa Esperanza provides a school in downtown Boquete where children who otherwise would likely be subject to child labor can attend each day.

Chiriquí United – Funding, Promotion and Assistance for a variety of Charities

“Chiriquí United is the spirit of collegial cooperation among the leading Humanitarian Organizations in Chiriquí…”

This charity has provided a organizing force for the extensive charitable organizations operating in the Chiriquí province. It provides a way to make donations and receive tax deductions in the U.S. for U.S. citizens. The organization also brings in container loads of vehicles, materials, health supplies and humanitarian items to assist the people doing good work in the province.

Handicapped Foundation – Fundacion Pro-Integracion (founded by 20-30 club)

Fundación Pro-Integración Capítulo de Boquete is the local chapter of the Handicap Foundation of Panama. We strive to support handicapped members of our community, especially those with minimal economic resources. We provide an open, welcoming social environment; wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and hearing aids; funds to transport individuals to special education classes, physical therapy, doctor appointments; medications and treatments not covered by social security or public health. We also assist those families with handicapped members to become more economically self-sufficient and to become aware of the laws beneficial to the handicapped community.”

Lions Club – A variety of charitable programs

Our 46,000 clubs and 1.35 million members make us the world’s largest service club organization. We’re also one of the most effective. Our members do whatever is needed to help their local communities. Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need eyeglasses, with seniors who don’t have enough to eat and with people we may never meet.

Panama Christian Evangelism – Medical, Dental and Religious Programs

Panama Christian Evangelism is dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Guaymi Tribe of Indigenous Peoples of Panama. As part of their ministry, Panama Christian Evangelism runs a fully functional dental clinic, a medical clinic, and a mobile medical clinic. Other ministries include: Medical Missions, the Clothing Ministry, the School and Schooling Ministry, the Food Ministry, and the Coffee Ministry. In addition to fulfilling its ministry, Panama Christian Evangelism has provided much-needed support to the Panama Ministry of Health and the Boquete Bomberos.” (this description is from the Chiriqui United site)

Rotary Club – A variety of programs especially education

“We are 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.

Sea Turtle Conservancy

Sea Turtle Conservancy is working to protect and restore the once globally significant hawksbill sea turtle nesting population at Chiriquí and Soropta Beaches in Panama. The programs consist of intensive monitoring of hawksbill and leatherback sea turtle nesting activity, protection of nesting females and their nests, and public education in the region and will build upon an ongoing research project carried out since 1989 by Drs. Anne and Peter Meylan.”

20-30 Club of Panama

Summary: Nationwide service organization for young adults “ACTIVO 20-30 INTERNACIONAL tuvo realmente su inicio en 1922 cuando los jóvenes de dos ciudades norteamericanas muy distantes entre sí, puntualizaron la necesidad de crear un Club de Servicio destinado a la juventud adulta. Los socios de las organizaciones de servicio ya establecidas en aquellos días, eran por lo general, personas de edad más avanzada, notándose la ausencia de elementos jóvenes.”