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Potrerillos, Boquete, Chiriqui
This property is sold.
Casa Solution handles more property sales in the Boquete area than any other agency. We would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please visit, call 011-507-720-1331 or email us today.
For more properties currently for sale that are similar to this one, please visit here: Beautiful Lots for Sale in Potrerillos Under $100,000.
This lot for sale is in an excellent location on a quiet street just 3 minutes off the main Potrerillos Abajo road providing easy access to Boquete, Volcan, David and the glorious local beaches.
It is a perfect home site for those who find Boquete a bit too cold and David too warm. The elevation here is aproximately 700 meters over sea level.
Enjoy the rural and quiet setting while having the flexibility of accessing so many amenities within a reasonably short drive.
Want animals? You can have them here. Chickens, goats, dogs would all prosper on this property.
About Potrerillos Arriba
The beautiful little town of Potrerillos Arriba has been a well-kept secret. Potrerillos is just a short drive away from Boquete’s great restaurants and shopping. Also it is close to David, one Panama’s largest cities where there are excellent restaurants, an airport, very modern hospitals, new shopping malls, theaters and a casino. It is also an easy day trip from the property to the beaches and the protected harbor of Boca Chica on the Pacific Ocean. From Boca Chica many beautiful tropical islands are within just a few minutes boat ride.
The Ruta Sur road runs through the area of Potrerillos making this zone a central point between three key areas of Panama – Boquete, Volcan and David. The Ruta Sur is the fastest way to travel between Boquete and Volcan. This property benefits greatly from this addition as well as the highway between Boquete and David.
Please contact Casa Solution if you would like to view this land for sale or have questions about this Lovely Lot for Sale in Potrerillos Near Boquete in Panama.
Precioso Lote en Venta en Potrerillos Cerca de Boquete, Panamá
Este lote en venta se encuentra en una excelente ubicación en una calle tranquila a solo 3 minutos de la carretera principal Potrerillos Abajo, lo que brinda fácil acceso a Boquete, Volcán, David y las gloriosas playas locales.
Es un sitio perfecto para aquellos que encuentran Boquete demasiado frío y David demasiado cálido. La elevación aquí es de aproximadamente 700 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
Disfruta del entorno rural y tranquilo mientras tienes la flexibilidad de acceder a tantas comodidades en un viaje razonablemente corto.
¿Quieres animales? Puedes tenerlos aquí. Pollos, cabras, perros prosperarían en esta propiedad.
Sobre Potrerillos Arriba
El pequeño y hermoso pueblo de Potrerillos Arriba ha sido un secreto bien guardado. Potrerillos se encuentra a poca distancia en coche de los excelentes restaurantes y tiendas de Boquete. También está cerca de David, una de las ciudades más grandes de Panamá donde hay excelentes restaurantes, un aeropuerto, hospitales muy modernos, nuevos centros comerciales, teatros y un casino. También es un viaje de un día fácil desde la propiedad hasta las playas y el puerto protegido de Boca Chica en el Océano Pacífico. Desde Boca Chica hay muchas hermosas islas tropicales a solo unos minutos en bote.
La ruta Ruta Sur atraviesa el área de Potrerillos haciendo de esta zona un punto central entre tres áreas clave de Panamá: Boquete, Volcán y David. La Ruta Sur es la forma más rápida de viajar entre Boquete y Volcán. Esta propiedad se beneficia enormemente de esta adición, así como de la carretera entre Boquete y David.
Por favor comuníquese con Casa Solution si desea ver este terreno en venta o si tiene preguntas sobre este Hermoso Lote en Venta en Potrerillos Cerca de Boquete en Panamá.
please contact casa solution, or
fill out the form below.
I'm interested in Sold by Casa Solution! – Lovely Lot for Sale in Potrerillos Near Boquete, Panama – Precioso Lote en Venta en Potrerillos Cerca de Boquete, Panamá

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Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
For assistance, please visit us in Boquete, call, text, fill out the below form or email and we will be happy to be of service. We look forward to helping you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.