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Jaramillo, Boquete, Panama
This property is sold. Casa Solution handles more property sales in the Boquete area than all other agencies combined. We would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please visit, call 011-507-720-1331 or email us today.
Lot 12 in Las Terrazas is one of the finest in the community. It is located in one of the highest corners of the development producing amazing views of Boquete's valley and Volcan Baru from high above the town.
Even better, the property borders a beautiful green area park that has a substantial tall waterfall much of the year.
Most of the lot is gently sloped. One side has the park and on the other side is a hill. Anyone building on the neighboring lot 11 would do so on the other side of the hill so there will be no other house close to either side of lot 12. It is a great spot and an excellent option for a very high end Boquete home close to downtown.
The lot has lots of coffee plants and some pretty trees.
Given the prime location and nearly an acre, the price is right!
About Las Terrazas, Boquete, Panama
Las Terrazas is one of the finest boutique gated communities in Boquete created in a partnership between the illustrious Peterson and Motta families. The result has been magnificent – a view rich environment, just 6 minutes to downtown in Jaramillo, Boquete.
The development has quality infrastructure with beautiful roadways and a growing number of fine high-end homes. It is considered an enviable spot for your new home.
And with the new Panamonte bridge, Las Terrazas is now just 1.9 kilometers, 1.2 miles to downtown Boquete!
El Lote 12 en Las Terrazas es uno de los mejores de esta comunidad. Se encuentra es uno de los lotes más altos del desarrollo, por lo cual tiene impresionantes vistas del valle de Boquete y el Volcán Barú. La propiedad bordea el área verde del proyecto que tiene una hermosa cascada gran parte del año. La mayor parte del lote tiene una leve inclinación. Es una excelente opción para una lujosa residencia en Boquete cerca del centro de la ciudad.
En lote existen varias plantas café y hermosos árboles. Dada la ubicación privilegiada y casi un acre de terreno, este es un muy buen precio! Acerca de Las Terrazas, Boquete, Panamá: Las Terrazas es una de las mejores comunidades en Boquete.
El desarrollo cuenta con infraestructura de alta calidad con hermosas calles y casas con acabados de alta calidad. Este considerado un lugar envidiable para su nuevo hogar.
please contact casa solution, or
fill out the form below.
I'm interested in Sold by Casa Solution – High Quality Lot, Low Price – Home Building Lot in Las Terrazas Boquete Gated Community – Lote en la Exclusiva Comunidad Las Terrazas de Boquete.

Casa Solution is now Open. The staff are working full time and are available in the office, by phone and email.
Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
For assistance, please visit us in Boquete, call, text, fill out the below form or email and we will be happy to be of service. We look forward to helping you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.