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Palmira, Boquete, Chiriqui
This coffee farm is located in Palmira Arriba, Boquete, well known as the land of the best coffee in the world!!! It is 15 minutes from downtown Boquete and just 2 minutes from a paved road.
The farm has an altitude of 1350 to 1425 meters above sea level which is ideal for coffee production. The soils are rich in nutrients, a very good quality for an agricultural farm.
Right now, most of the farm is planted with coffee. But also, it has orange, plantain and medlar trees.
Infrastructure and production are already in place. The farm has an irrigation system for the field production, greenhouses, access to electricity, internet and telephone. The water system is private.
The property includes an open floor plan house with 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and warehouses.
The impressive views vary, from the imposing Volcan Baru to the valley below. On clear days, you can even see the Pacific Ocean in the distance.
Please contact Casa Solution if you would like to view this property or have questions about this 18 Acre Rare Coffee Farm for Sale in Palmira Arriba, Boquete, Panama.
Peculiar Granja de Café en Venta en Palmira Arriba, Boquete, Panamá - ¡Más de 18 Acres con Casa también!
¡Esta finca cafetalera se encuentra en Palmira Arriba, Boquete, conocida como la tierra del mejor café del mundo! Está a 15 minutos del centro de Boquete y a solo 2 minutos de una carretera pavimentada.
La finca tiene una altitud de 1350 a 1425 metros sobre el nivel del mar, lo que es ideal para la producción de café. Los suelos son ricos en nutrientes, una muy buena calidad para una granja agrícola.
En este momento, la mayor parte de la granja está plantada con café. Pero también, tiene naranjos, plátanos y nísperos.
Infraestructura y producción ya están en su lugar. La finca cuenta con un sistema de riego para la producción de campo, invernaderos, acceso a electricidad, internet y teléfono. El sistema de agua es privado.
La propiedad incluye una casa de planta abierta con 4 dormitorios, 1 baño y almacenes.
Las impresionantes vistas varían, desde el imponente Volcán Barú hasta el valle de abajo. En días despejados, incluso puedes ver el Océano Pacífico a lo lejos.
please contact casa solution, or
fill out the form below.
I'm interested in Rare Coffee Farm for Sale in Palmira Arriba, Boquete, Panama – 18 plus Acres with House Too! – Peculiar Granja de Café en Venta en Palmira Arriba, Boquete, Panamá – ¡Más de 18 Acres con Casa también!

Casa Solution is now Open. The staff are working full time and are available in the office, by phone and email.
Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
For assistance, please visit us in Boquete, call, text, fill out the below form or email and we will be happy to be of service. We look forward to helping you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.