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Potrerillos, Dolega, Boquete, Chiriqui
Lots for sale in Santa Elena, Potrerillos, Chiriqui.
Located just 15 minutes from Downtown Potrerillos, these lots range from 2,000 to 4,000 square meters, with the mountains and Volcan Baru as a backdrop.
Offered for $30 dollars per square meter, these lots provide a serene atmosphere and a friendly neighborhood, making them a great option for building your dream property amidst the mountains.
The property features some forest trees, and you'll have the option to choose the size to build your home. With gentle slopes, you can fully enjoy the breathtaking views.
About Potrerillos
Potrerillos Arriba & Abajo are areas that combined offer a charming and tranquil community located in the picturesque region of Boquete, Panama. This little town has been a well-kept secret, but it is quickly gaining popularity as more and more people discover its many benefits.
One of the benefits about Potrerillos Arriba & Abajo is its proximity to Boquete, about a half hour away where residents and visitors can enjoy so many excellent restaurants and shopping, as well as David, one of Panama's largest cities, which boasts an international airport, modern hospitals, new shopping malls, theaters, & casinos. Additionally, it is just a an easy day trip from the area to the beautiful beaches of Chirqui Province including the protected harbor of Boca Chica on the Pacific Ocean, where many tropical islands are just a few minutes boat ride away.
Please contact Casa Solution for more information or to visit This Serene mountain view lots for sale in Santa Elena, Potrerillos, Chiriqui. Build your dream home amidst nature.
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I'm interested in Serene mountain view lots for sale in Santa Elena, Potrerillos, Chiriqui. Build your dream home amidst nature.

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