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Volcancito, Boquete, Panama
This property is sold. Casa Solution handles more property sales in the Boquete area than any other agency. We would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please visit, call 011-507-720-1331 or email us today.
As you drive the scenic loop road that graces the western side of Boquete, you rise above the town passing luxury homes, coffee fields and long-established romantic homesteads.
About 10 minutes from downtown, you notice that the environs opens to estate size properties and larger coffee farms where you come to a low profile, pretty entrance leading into a property completely hidden from view by tall tropical trees.
Entering the gates along a lovely driveway, you turn to an expansive southern view that amazes and reaches all the way to the Pacific Ocean far below. One wonders about what they are seeing...are those really islands in the distance? The perch is inspiring. Framed in this location is a wonderful house with an elevated guest house nearby.
This fantastic estate property has lots of flowers and presents as the kind of home where one can truly enjoy the comforts & gorgeous aesthetics of mountain life in Boquete.
Within the main house on the estate, there is the sense of substance and appreciation of natural light. Designed and built by one of the province's most sought after builder architect families, the Bacils, the house is of a great quality and design.
As you enter the home, you notice that the living room has been perfectly positioned for the sliding glass doors to frame the endless view from inside.
Large picture windows along with a ceiling designed to capture the natural light make the living room a cheerful setting. More windows on the opposite wall bring in even more light and natural beauty.
The fireplace, with stylish stonework, provides warmth when desired. It provides romantic warmth and a sweet spot for cuddling on cool evenings.
Terra cotta floor tiles bring added depth to the room. Two ceiling fans ensure comfort.
The kitchen is well appointed with artistic ceramic tile features, big windows, quality appliances, a pretty light fixture and custom wood cabinets. A bar counter provides a comfy place for guests to socialize with the chef.
The open floor plan offers expansiveness in that the very big, well-covered terrace is nicely integrated with the space. That makes this an ideal home for those seeking to make full use of the year-round spring-like weather and for easily dining outside when desired.
The enjoyment of the outside tropical views extends to the large master bedroom where huge windows provide another truly incredible sight, this time from a higher position. The scene is awesome from here and the absence of nearby homes provide lots of privacy even with the shades open.
The master bath has some wonderful features. Glass block framing the shower and great natural light from lots of well-placed windows make showering an enlivening and sensual experience. The two bowl sinks offer convenience and there is pretty ceramic tile beautifying the room.
The main house has a nice second bedroom. For extra guests, an office, crafts room or treatment room, the guest house is ideal.
The guest house provides a super option for visitors, a quality caretaker or can provide rental income in a highly desirable rental option.
The storage building provides a unique feature as well with lots of space for tools, a workshop or whatever you wish.
Want even more bedrooms? Expanding the living space into the garage is relatively simple and not costly.
This house is in a special zone which hosts one of Boquete’s most ideal high altitude microclimates. At about 4,500 feet in altitude on the foothills of Volcan Baru, this well-located property is also sited to minimize the effects of the occasional dry season winds.
This estate home is for those who desire a quality house with outstanding views, a guest house, considerable beautiful grounds, and genuine privacy in a high altitude yet easily accessible mountain location.
Both of the two price options include all of the structures. Choose your land size. Regardless of the two sizes, no one can ever obstruct your incredible view.
House, guest house and storage building with 8,940 square meters - $498,000.
House, guest house and storage building with 17,961 square meters - $709,000.
The house size is approximately 2875 square feet, 265 square meters.
The guest House size is approximately 1000 square feet, 94 square meters.
The storage building size is approximately 725 square feet, 58 square meters.
The combined size of the three buildings is approximately 4,700 square feet, 437 square meters.
The tax exemption good until 2025 is transferable to you as the new owner.
Please contact Casa Solution to view this prime Boquete, Panama estate home or for more information.
Casa en Volcancito con Grandiosa Vista
Habitaciones: 3
Baños: 3
Ubicación: Volcancito, Boquete, Panamá
Descripción: Esta propiedad fue diseñada para personas que buscan un estilo de vida alejado de la ciudad, en una zona de gran altitud pero a la vez muy cerca y accesible a la ciudad. El terreno consta tres estructuras.
La casa principal fue construida y diseñada por la respetada familia Bacil, con el fin de disfrutar la interminable vista hacia el Océano Pacífico. La casa tiene grandes ventanales que ofrecen una impresiónate vista y una hermosa terraza que se conecta con la sala por medio de puertas de vidrio.
A medida que usted conduce hacia la propiedad puede observar un escenario lleno de naturaleza. La propiedad se encuentra a 4,500 ft sobre el nivel del mar en las faldas del Volcán Barú, haciendo que esta área tenga uno de los mejores microclimas del país. La propiedad tiene una gran ventaja ya que se encuentra a lo largo de la calle pavimentada.
La casa tiene dos habitaciones y mide aproximadamente 265m2, la casa de visitas tiene una habitación y mide 94m2. La propiedad también incluye una bodega de 58m2. Si sumamos el área de las tres construcciones el total es de 437m2.
Es importante resaltar que la propiedad tiene exención de impuestos hasta el 2025 transferibles al nuevo propietario.
Comuníquese con Casa Solution si desea ver esta propiedad o si tiene preguntas sobre esta Casa en Volcancito con Grandiosa Vista
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I'm interested in Sold by Casa Solution – House for Sale in Boquete, Panama with Beautiful Grounds & Tremendous Views a Very Private & Amazing Location – Guest House Too! – Choose from 2.2 or 4.4 Acres – Casa en Volcancito con Grandiosa Vista

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Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
For assistance, please visit us in Boquete, call, text, fill out the below form or email and we will be happy to be of service. We look forward to helping you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.