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Home » Panama Real Estate News, Events and Analysis Blog from Casa Solution » $12.27 Million “Green” Convention Center For Boquete!

$12.27 Million “Green” Convention Center For Boquete!

Panama Site

Boquete’s enormous new convention center is moving ahead. News has come that the central government has accepted bids for construction of the new center submitted by four companies. This was an important milestone toward the beginning of construction.

The new Boquete convention center will be located in Alto Boquete close to the canyon that looks down upon the Caldera river. It will be near the expanded four lane main road between Boquete and David. The convention center will be about 10 minutes from downtown Boquete and about 25 minutes to David, Panama.

The new design will be environmentally friendly with green building methods and materials in keeping with Boquete’s status as a natural wonder gateway to major national parks.

The amount spent is large for Boquete – almost $12.3 million. The construction will be a financial windfall for the area.

The center with have a closed area of 6,000 square meters – 19,685 square feet. It will have a 2,000 person capacity.

The many groups drawn to use the new facility will require lodging, meals, transportation, tourist activities and entertainment. Expect the new Boquete convention center, when complete, to be a meaningful economic driver for Boquete’s tourism and real estate industries.

“La Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá realizó este miércoles la apertura de sobres para la licitación por mejor valor No. 2018-1-45-0-04-LV-013192 para el estudio, diseño, construcción, equipamiento y puesta en marcha del Centro de Convenciones en la Región Occidental, en el distrito de Boquete, provincia de Chiriquí. La obra tiene un precio de referencia de B/.12,272,727.27.

Gustavo Him, administrador de la ATP, indicó que este proyecto es una promesa del Gobierno Nacional, que beneficiará la economía de toda la provincia y será único en su clase “de categoría verde” donde se busca la conservación del ambiente y ampliar la oferta turística que tiene Boquete.

Him confirmó que, aunque el proyecto se terminará en la próxima administración, la entidad tiene la visión de dejarlo adjudicado e iniciar su construcción el próximo año. “Esta es una iniciativa de la Autoridad de Turismo, respaldada por el Centro de Competitividad de la Región Occidental (CECOM-RO), las cámaras de turismo y el sector turístico de la región”, dijo.

Las cuatro empresas que presentaron sus propuestas son: Consorcio Desarrollo Boquete (Edificadora Centroamericana Rapiparedes Sociedad Anónima Edificar y Constructora MECO, S.A.), Consorcio Proyecto-ECI (Proyectos, Ejecución y Control de Obras, S.A. y El Corte Inglés, S.A), Construction Management Group Inc. y Consorcio Centro de Convenciones del Occidente (Conconcreto Internacional, S.A. y Gestión Territorial, S.A.).

A medida que los funcionarios de la ATP procedían con la apertura de cada una de las propuestas, se verificó la presentación de los requisitos mínimos solicitados en el pliego de cargos.

Posteriormente la Comisión Evaluadora verificará el fiel cumplimiento de los requisitos, propuestas de diseño y metodología de ponderación y realizará un informe técnico en el cual adjudicará a la empresa que obtenga el mayor puntaje.

En el acto estuvieron presentes Zahira Sánchez, jefa de Compras de la ATP; Nancy Quintero, asesora legal de Administración y Finanzas; Edgar Alvarado, arquitecto de Gestión de Proyectos; Graciela Lorenzo, analista de compras; Yacqueline Puga, dirección de Administración y Finanzas; Carlos Ponce, jefe de Fiscalización de la Contraloría General de la República; y los representantes de las empresas proponentes.

El Centro de Convenciones Verde de Boquete tendrá un área total de construcción cerrada de 6,000 m2, con capacidad para 2 mil personas. La obra contempla anfiteatro, centro de negocios, salones de conferencias, sala de exhibiciones, salones de eventos y reuniones, restaurante, 300 estacionamientos, áreas verdes y plaza central.”

English Google Translation:

The Tourism Authority of Panama held on Wednesday the opening of envelopes for the bid for best value No. 2018-1-45-0-04-LV-013192 for the study, design, construction, equipment and commissioning of the Center Conventions in the Western Region, in the district of Boquete, province of Chiriqui. The work has a reference price of B / .12,272,727.27.

Gustavo Him, administrator of the ATP, indicated that this project is a promise of the National Government, which will benefit the economy of the entire province and will be unique in its “green category” class where conservation of the environment is sought and the tourist offer expanded that Boquete has.

Him confirmed that, although the project will be completed in the next administration, the entity has the vision to leave it awarded and begin construction next year. “This is an initiative of the Tourism Authority, backed by the Center for Competitiveness of the Western Region (CECOM-RO), the tourism chambers and the tourism sector of the region,” he said.

The four companies that submitted their proposals are: Consorcio Desarrollo Boquete (Edificadora Centroamericana Rapiparedes Sociedad Anónima Edificar y Constructora MECO, SA), Consorcio Proyecto-ECI (Projects, Execution and Control of Obras, SA and El Corte Inglés, SA), Construction Management Group Inc. and Consortium Convention Center of the West (Conconcreto Internacional, SA and Gestión Territorial, SA).

As the ATP officials proceeded with the opening of each of the proposals, the presentation of the minimum requirements requested in the statement of objections was verified.

Subsequently, the Evaluation Committee will verify the faithful fulfillment of the requirements, design proposals and weighting methodology and will make a technical report in which it will award the company that obtains the highest score.

The event was attended by Zahira Sánchez, Head of Purchases of the ATP; Nancy Quintero, legal advisor of Administration and Finance; Edgar Alvarado, architect of Project Management; Graciela Lorenzo, purchasing analyst; Yacqueline Puga, Administration and Finance Department; Carlos Ponce, Chief of Control of the Comptroller General of the Republic; and the representatives of the proposing companies.

The Green Convention Center of Boquete will have a total closed construction area of 6,000 m2, with capacity for 2 thousand people. The work includes an amphitheater, business center, conference rooms, exhibition hall, meeting and event rooms, restaurant, 300 parking lots, green areas and central square.

Link to Government Site about the new Boquete Convention Center tender
Panama Today article: Envelopes on tender of “green” convention center in Panama opened

Casa Solution on the new Boquete Convention Center announcement


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