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Home » Casa Solution Announcements » 3D printing hits Panama

3D printing hits Panama

makerz 300 3d

This development is representative of Panama’s Latin American leadership in modernity. You can get almost anything in Panama. Now you can get printers there that print actual physical 3D items you can use. This printer shop is a sign of the times. If you aren’t familiar yet with 3D printing, you will be soon. The technology is already revolutionizing manufacturing. It is poised to shake up retailing and distribution too. Imagine you are in Panama and you see an item in a magazine, say a coffee mug that strikes your fancy. In the future, you’ll be able to use your own home 3D printer to create a 3D replica of that item for you. Below are an excerpt to the announcement about Panama’s new 3D print shop as well as a couple of links to articles about this amazing technology.


3D printer pioneer MakerBot is bringing its signature printers to Panama! – Venture Beat

The company has entered into a reselling agreement with Anantek Inc., owner of Makerz, Panama’s first 3D printer shop.

“We see 3D printing as leading the next industrial revolution and think that working with MakerBot will help further innovation and making throughout Central America,” said Ariel Yahni, CEO of Anantek Enterprises Inc. in a press release.