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Potrerillos, Boquete, Panama
This property is sold. Casa Solution handles more property sales in the Boquete area than all other agencies combined. We would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please visit, call 011-507-720-1331 or email us today.
These are two very pretty, relatively flat properties. Together, they make a very nice and large home site. Each of the lots could possibly be divided into two andmaybe more parcels offering an opportunity to sell a part later if desired as the property appreciates in value. Water and electricity are along the edge of the fincas and the properties have a seasonal stream.
There is a well-paved large new road, the Ruta Sur, joining the Boquete region with the town of Volcan significantly shortening the time to travel between the two popular mountain areas. The infrastructure improvement has opened up the region areas of Portrerillos to those seeking larger homesites with good access to David and Boquete. Many foreigners and Panamanians alike has been investing in the area.
The fincas also boast views of Volcan Baru, Panama’s highest peak and is only about 20-25 minutes from downtown Boquete or David. Listed in Boquete due to proximity. A paved access road is close to this property.
These lots are two of the same size (9,369 sq. meters) and can be purchased individually. Click here for the listing information and pricing on just one lot as well as more photos.
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I'm interested in Sold by Casa Solution – Two Adjacent Lots for Sale of 4.6 Acres – Price is Total for Both Together

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Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
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