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Home » Casa Solution Announcements » UK Telegraph Names “World’s 20 best places to invest in property” Panama takes number 6

UK Telegraph Names “World’s 20 best places to invest in property” Panama takes number 6

Panama city coastal strip 425

Oh and we happen to know a few nice properties to consider….

World’s 20 best places to invest in property – UK Telegraph

“(Panama) is looking like an increasingly sound bet for the enterprising investor in property. The country enjoys stable government and had a higher GDP growth rate than China in 2012. “There is a thriving entrepreneurial environment, and the tax-free zone of Colón is another huge draw,” says Charles Weston Baker of Savills International.”

UK Telegraph list of world’s best places to invest in property

Hundreds of Properties for Sale in Panama from Casa Solution

Two Great Deals of the Month

Photo from Official Republic of Panama website