Boquete Office 6611.6049
Volcan Office 6812.8809

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Home » Uncategorized » New Review of Casa Solution – Al Foschiatti (Now Panama Beachfront Estate Owner)

New Review of Casa Solution – Al Foschiatti (Now Panama Beachfront Estate Owner)

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“What I liked most about working with Casa Solution was the great staff including Janeth Gomez Suarez, Jhanela Beitia, Ryan Braasch and others. They are good people, very knowledgeable and prompt in replying in all matters. Everything was done in a timely manner and the staff takes care of most everything. I have to really high praise the office staff performance.” – Al Foschiatti

“Lo que más me gustó de trabajar con Casa Solution fue el excelente personal, incluyendo a Janeth Gómez Suárez, Jhanela Beitia, Ryan Braasch y otros. Ellos son buenas personas, muy cultas y rápidas para responder en todos los aspectos. Todo se hizo de manera oportuna y el personal se encarga de casi todo. Tengo que elogiar realmente el desempeño del personal de la oficina. ” – Al Foschiatti.

Thank You Al!

We are deeply grateful for you.
You have made a difference in our lives and in the lives of our families.
We are committed to serving you.

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